infinite iterative piece

Jazz Money, infinite iterative piece, 2023, three-channel digital video with sound, video infinite duration, audio 9:25 duration, aspect ratio 16:9 (each channel), edition 6 + 2AP, TCG22849
(photo: Andrew Curtis)

infinite iterative piece 2023 is an evolving poem with infinite possibilities. This new commission brings together the three strands of Money’s contemporary practice – poetry, installation and moving-image – and unfolds as a series of visual portals that are ever-changing and interlinked. While the sequential arrangement might first indicate order, infinite iterative piece is innately randomised – each screen projecting imagery and footage overlaid with a line of text drawn from Money’s personal archive, that chops and changes and unfolds by chance. Paired with an ambient ethereal soundscape, Money explains that the visual and text-based elements seek ‘to be a gift for audiences looking for pause and beauty within the chaos.’

Reflecting on infinite iterative piece Money notes: ‘infinite iterative piece welcomes you to find what you didn’t know you were seeking. A poem created just now, just for you, appearing through chance and hope and mystery […] a digital ‘exquisite corpse’ where neither creator or audience know what will be revealed in any single moment […] By presenting the work in this randomised way, infinite iterative piece reflects both the overload of content and meaning that exists in our world, and the very human desire to make meaning of all that input.’

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