• » 22/10/2024:  Opening tonight in Adelaide: Archie Moore — Dwelling: Adelaide Issue | Adelaide Film Festival / Samstag Moving Image Commission Samstag Museum of Art at the University of South Australia | 5.30 — 7.30pm | exhibition until 29.11.24. Archie Moore’s ambitious new large-scale installation work, Dwelling: Adelaide Issue, is the thirteenth AFF & Samstag Art Moving Image Commission and the fifth iteration of Moore’s installation Dwelling, in which he recreates the mise-­en-scene of his childhood home this time with a significant new moving image component. This ongoing investigation of memory and the effect of colonisation draws on visual, auditory, haptic and olfactory elements.
  • » 06/10/2024:  Congratulations to Archie Moore and Ellie Buttrose for being jointly awarded the 2024 QAGOMA Medal for their landmark achievement at the Venice Biennale 2024. The medals were announced at the QAGOMA Foundation dinner in Brisbane 05.10.24.
  • » 19/08/2024:  The Australian Government has acquired Archie Moore’s kith and kin. Commissioned by Creative Australia and curated by Ellie Buttrose, it was awarded the Golden Lion for Best National Participation at La Biennale di Venezia 2024. kith and kin is being acquired by the Australian Government to be gifted to the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane who, along with their acquisition partner Tate, London, will see two of the world’s leading art museums ensure its enduring legacy on the global stage. The joint custodianship maps geographically Moore's matrilineal (Kamilaroi/Bigambul) and patrilineal (English/Scottish) kinship. The acquisition/donation was announced last night at the National Gallery of Australia at an event attended by the Australian Prime Minister, Federal Minister for the Arts and Governor-General.  
  • » 27/05/2024:  The book accompanying Archie Moore's Venice Biennale exhibition, kith and kin, is now available online. The small black monograph draws upon the artist’s research with family, community and archives to celebrate First Nations sovereignty and kinship ties. The 304 page book is edited by Archie Moore, Ellie Buttrose and Grace Lucas-Pennington, designed by Žiga Testen, Stuart Geddes with essays by Archie Moore, Djon Mundine, Diane Bell, Felicity Meakins, Larissa Behrendt, Macarena Gómez-Barris, Raymond Kelly and Melissa Lucashenko. The book is available in Australia from Perimeter Books via this link and in Europe from Spector Books via this link.
  • » 16/05/2024:  Today the Federal Minister for the Arts and Leader of the House, Tony Burke MP, spoke at length in the Australian House of Representatives in celebration of Archie Moore's historic win of the Golden Lion for Best National Participation at the Venice Biennale. In conclusion he said, "kith and kin is a sublime expression of Aboriginality but also of the humanity that ultimately connects us all, and all Australians can be rightly proud of this triumph." Mr Burke's speech was echoed by the shadow minister. Read full Hansard transcription of speech here.
  • » 15/05/2024:  The National Gallery of Australia has installed Archie Moore's 2021 Family Tree next to The Aboriginal Memorial. The Aboriginal Memorial was conceived by Djon Mundine and realised by 43 artists from Ramingining and neighbouring communities of Central Arnhem Land in 1987-1988. It comprises 200 hollow log coffins commemorating all the Indigenous people who have lost their lives defending their land over the 200 years since colonisation. The Aboriginal Memorial is on permanent display at the National Gallery of Australia. Moore's Family Tree is one of two precursors to the significantly larger genealogical drawing that forms part of Moore's exhibition kith and kin in the Australia Pavlion at the 2024 Venice Biennale.
  • » 14/05/2024:  There has been an immense amount of press coverage both Australian and internationally of Archie Moore's exhibition kith and kin in the Australia Pavilion at the Venice Biennale. Here are links to a few highlights: Verónica Tello in Memo, Lorena Allam in The Guardian, Julian Tomkin in The Australian, Daniel Browning on ABC, Browning, Bremer, Tan, Tilly and Liddy on ABC, Gareth Harris in The Art Newspaper, Peggy Kasabad Lane in Art Monthly Australasia, Wes Hill in Art Forum.
  • » 20/04/2024:  The International Jury of the 60th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia today announced Archie Moore as recipient of the Golden Lion for best National Participation for his exhibition, kith and kin, in the Australia Pavilion curated by Ellie Buttrose. It is the highest honour awarded by La Biennale and the first time Australia has received any award at the Venice Biennale which it has attended since 1954. Deep congratulations and much love to Archie and Ellie and huge thanks to Creative Australia for their belief in and support of the project. We could not be more proud.
  • » 15/04/2024:  To enquire about Archie Moore and his Venice Biennale exhibition, kith and kin, in the Australia Pavilion, email the gallery via this link.
  • » 13/04/2024:  Archie Moore in Venice Biennale in New York Times. “Indigenous Artists Are the Heart of the Venice Biennale” by Julia Halperin.  
  • » 10/04/2024:  The Venice Biennale opens next week. We are so excited in advance of Archie Moore’s solo presentation, kith and kin, in the Australia Pavilion being shared with the world. Warmest wishes to Archie, Ellie and team and everyone from Creative Australia for these final days of preparation. kith and kin officially opens with formalities at the Australia Pavilion in the Giardini at 10:45am Venice time, Wednesday 17 April and will be live streamed on Instagram @ausatvenice | Venice 10:45am = GMT 8:45am = AEST 6:45pm
  • » 08/04/2024:  VENICE: ‘In discussion with kith and kin’ | Presented by ArtReview in partnership with Creative Australia. During Venice Biennale vernissage week, ArtReview is presenting a series of panels focussed on kith and kin, Archie Moore’s presentation in the Australia Pavilion, Thursday 18 April 2024, Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Venice. Session one — 9:30am-10:50am | Art for Abolition Archie Moore’s kith and kin brings attention to how First Nations Australians are one of the most incarcerated populations globally and the impacts this has on Indigenous families. This panel will discuss how art can highlight carceral practices that disproportionally target First Nations peoples and people of colour and champion the urgent need for law reform. Session two — 4:00pm – 5:00pm | Enacting First Languages In kith and kin, Archie Moore includes terms in his familial Gamilaraay and Bigambul languages and the Aboriginal names of his ancestors. This panel will reflect on how global First Nations practitioners use art to enact Indigenous language maintenance and imprint First Nations words in the present so that they can re-enter common usage. Full program details and registration via
  • » 03/04/2024:  Berlin Artlink interview by Adela Lovric with Archie Moore in lead up to Venice Biennale: "Going beyond mere reference to kinship and familial relations, the titular phrase ‘kith and kin’ refers to First Nations understanding of attachment to place and time. Moore intertwines his ongoing genealogical research with broader histories of Australia, recognizing the cultural and linguistic losses resulting from colonization, and striving to reclaim them." Read here
  • » 27/03/2024:  Archie Moore in Frieze magazine Venice Biennale Roundtable. Dare Turner talks with First Nations artists Jeffrey Gibson, Archie Moore and Inuuteq Storch about working within the settler colonial framework of American, Australian and Danish pavilions. Read here.  
  • » 23/03/2024:  On the eve of his presentation, kith and kin, in the Australia Pavilion at the Venice Biennale opening 20.04.24, Steve Gow interviews Archie Moore about his life and family background in The Saturday Paper. Read here.
  • » 04/03/2024:  It is a pleasure to announce that the full set of Archie Moore's Mīal, a self portrait in 34 monochrome paintings, has been acquired by the National Portrait Gallery of Australia and is now on display in Gallery One at the NPG in Canberra.
  • » 04/03/2024:  Diena Georgetti, Archie Moore and Tim Schultz are exhibiting in At Home with Painting, curated by Madeleine Kelly at SCA Gallery at the University of Sydney. The exhibition opens from 6pm – 8pm on Wednesday 06.03.24 and continues until 26.04.24.
  • » 10/02/2024:  ArtReview has announced that it is partnering with Creative Australia to present a talks programme during the 6oth Venice Biennale. Reflecting on Archie Moore’s presentation kith and kin, curated by Ellie Buttrose for the Australia Pavilion, the talks programme will explore two of the exhibition’s central themes: First Nations languages revival initiatives and the injustices of carceral systems that disproportionately target First Nations people and people of colour. As an extension of Moore’s ongoing research into identity, heritage, language, racism and the universality of the human family, the talks programme will invite speakers from around the world to share in their experiences of language revival techniques and methods to counter carceral injustices, and to consider what role art can play in highlighting these issues. More details to be announced soon.    
  • » 09/02/2024:  Creative Australia has announced the first details of Archie Moore's presentation in the Australia Pavilion at the 60th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, curated by Ellie Buttrose. kith and kin is the title of the presentation that will run from 20.04.24 to 24.11.24. In kith and kin, Moore will reflect on the nature and strength of Indigenous kinship, issues of surveillance and incarceration, the enduring impact of colonisation and First Nations language revival. Moore has said, "The phrase 'kith and kin' simply means friends and family but an earlier Old English definition for kith dates from the 1300s and originally meant 'countrymen' (kith also meant 'one's native land) and Kin: 'family members'. These words gradually took on the present looser sense: friends and family. Many Indigenous Australians, especially those who grew up on Country, see the land and other living things as part of their kinship system — the land itself can be a mentor, teacher, parent to a child." See full press release on Creative Australia website here.
  • » 09/02/2024:  Coverage of the announcement of first details of Archie Moore's Venice Biennale presentation in Australia Pavilion in today's The Guardian.
  • » 09/02/2024:  Coverage by Steve Dow in Art Guide of first details of Archie Moore's kith and kin, his presentation for 2024 Venice Biennale.
  • » 06/02/2024:  Archie Moore at the Venice Biennale | On 09.02.24, Creative Australia, will announce the title for Archie Moore's Venice Biennale exhibition in the Australia Pavilion, curated by Ellie Buttrose.
  • » 29/11/2023:  Creative Australia has announced the Pavilion Attendants for Archie Moore’s exhibition at the 2024 Venice Biennale. The Attendants and Attendant Managers’ program is designed to leverage Australia’s participation in the Venice Biennale to create professional development opportunities. Creative Australia has partnered with major galleries and museums to invite applications for these roles. The Attendants and Attendant Managers will travel to Venice for a period of 6–12 weeks to undertake mediation of Archie Moore’s presentation in the Australia Pavilion, curated by Ellie Buttrose. The 60th Venice Biennale takes place from 20. 04.24 — 24.11.24 (pre-opening from 17.04.24). Attendant Mangers: Gillian Jones, Museum and Art Gallery of the NT; Luisa Randall, UQ Art Museum; Sanja Zeljko, QAGOMA. Attendants: Jayden Gonsalves, Art Gallery of SA; Joy Angelo Santos, Art Gallery of NSW; Laura Lewis-Jones, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery; Leah Pirone, Art Gallery of WA; Max Boland, National Gallery of Victoria.  
  • » 21/11/2023:  Launching this Friday in Naarm/Melbourne, Memo Review’s inaugural print issue features an extended artist focus on Archie Moore, the 2024 Venice Biennale Australian Representative, with essays on Moore by Rex Butler, Tara Heffernan, Tristen Harwood and Hilary Thurlow. Friday 24.11.23, 6—8pm Fitzroy Town Hall, 201 Napier St, Fitzroy pre-orders available at — AUD 35.00
  • » 27/07/2023:  The Commercial is looking forward to exhibiting at Sydney Contemporary 07.09.23 — 10.09.23. We will be presenting a group exhibition in Booth F16 with works by Archie Moore, Augusta Vinall Richardson, Jazz Money, Jude Rae and Mitch Cairns. Please contact the gallery via this link to receive advanced preview of works.
  • » 24/06/2023:  Archie Moore’s solo exhibition, Pillors of Democracy, at Cairns Art Gallery opens to the public today with opening celebration to be held Wednesday 12.07.23, 6—8.30pm, the night before opening of Cairns Indigenous Art Fair. The exhibition will be opened by Bruce Johnson McLean MAICD, Assistant Director, First Nations and Head Curator, National Gallery of Australia. “Archie Moore’s Pillors of Democracy is, as the play on words implies, is a critical examination of the four strands of modern democracy — legislature, judiciary, executive, media — and the way in which they fail to protect the most vulnerable in our community. Moore reminds us that architectural symbols of power, conquest and dominance are illusory and are now highly contested sites.” —Larissa Behrendt AO (Gamilaroy / Eualeyai) Distinguished Professor and Laureate Fellow at the Research Unit, Jumbunna Institute, University of Technology, Sydney (excerpt from exhibition text)      
  • » 17/04/2023:  It is a pleasure to announce that Archie Moore’s flag installation, United Neytions, commissioned for the inaugural iteration of The National at Carriageworks, Sydney in 2017, has been acquired by Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, supported by the museum’s Future Collective patron group. United Neytions was exhibited at Seoul Museum of Art in 2021 in 경로를 재탐색합니다 UN/LEARNING AUSTRALIA, a large-scale project of Australian and Korean artists curated by Artspace Sydney and SeMA. A scaled-to-site version of United Neytions was commissioned in 2018 as a permanent public artwork airside at Sydney International Airport T1 Terminal, in partnership with the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia.
  • » 14/03/2023:  PODCAST: Inside The Gallery Podcast has posted an interview with Archie Moore and curator Ellie Buttrose on the announcement of their 2024 Venice Biennale presentation for the Australian Pavilion. Listen here    
  • » 10/03/2023:  Archie Moore's 2017 t-shirt series, Shirtfront, is on exhibition at the Museum of Sydney as part of Just Not Australian, curated by Artspace, Sydney, the final leg of the exhibition's regional tour. The exhibition "presents work by 19 Australian artists at the forefront of national debate and practice. Spanning generations and diverse cultural backgrounds, the artists deal broadly with the origins and implications of contemporary Australian nationhood." Exhibition 11.03.23 — 04.06.23. Works from Moore's small edition t-shirt series are available from The Commercial. enquire here.
  • » 08/02/2023:  "The Australia Council has announced leading First Nations artist Archie Moore will represent Australia at the Venice Biennale in 2024, with the exhibition to be curated by Ellie Buttrose, Curator of Contemporary Australian Art at the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane."    
  • » 16/01/2023:  Final week to see Archie Moore's Inert State in Embodied Knowledge: Queensland Contemporary Art at Queensland Art Gallery, ends 21.01.23.
  • » 11/12/2022:  Archie Moore features in the current issue of Artforum. “Moore excavates both institutional and individual memories, quantifying the weight and qualifying the texture of oppression.” Helen Hughes. A review of Archie Moore’s recent solo exhibition at Gertrude Contemporary, Dwelling (Victorian Issue), and his work, Inert State, in Embodied Knowledge at Queensland Art Gallery are reviewed by Helen Hughes. Artforum, vol. 61, no. 4, December 2022. Read full review.
  • » 06/10/2022:  Archie Moore will present a work ‘Bannertree’ in Eromheen of erin (Round About or Inside) at VANDENHOVE Center for Architecture and Art, Ghent University in Belgium. First shown in 2021 at the Griffith University Art Museum, Brisbane, the exhibition 'aims to explore how artists from different geographic and cultural contexts might contribute to map and describe the manifold spaces and sites that mark our lives.” Exhibition dates: 14.10.22 — 12.11.22.
  • » 28/09/2022:  It is a pleasure to announce that four monochrome paintings from Archie Moore’s 2022 exhibition Mīal have been acquired by Artbank.
  • » 08/08/2022:  Archie Moore is presenting a solo exhibition, Archie Moore — Dwelling (Victorian Issue), at Gertrude Contemporary, Melbourne. Dwelling (Victorian Issue) is redevelopment of Moore's HouseShow exhibited in Brisbane in 2020 during covid lockdowns and his Dwelling at Accidentally Annie Street in Brisbane in 2010. Gertrude Contemporary dates: 27.08.2022 — 23.10.2022.
  • » 01/08/2022:  Archie Moore has a major new work, Inert State, in Embodied Knowledge: Queensland Contemporary Art at Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane. Inert State, commissioned for the iconic Water Mall at QAG, presents 200 floating coroner's reports into Indigenous deaths in custody that took place between 1987-91 across Australia alongside two towers of Hansard volumes, parliametary transcriptions representing inaction. Curated by Ellie Buttrose and Katina Davidson. Exhibition: 13.08.2022 — 22.01.2023
  • » 23/05/2022:  Works by Archie Moore and Michael Riley from the National Gallery of Australia collection are on exhibition at the National Gallery of Singapore in the landmark exhibition, Ever Present: First Peoples Art of Australia. The exhibition "surveys historical and contemporary works by over 150 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists from across Australia—the largest exhibition of its kind to travel to Asia. Drawn from the collections of the National Gallery of Australia and Wesfarmers Collection of Australian Art, the artworks show deep interconnections between past and present, as well as extraordinary artistic innovation." 27/05/22 - 27/09/22
  • » 13/12/2021:  Agatha Gothe-Snape and Archie Moore are exhibiting in 경로를 재탐색합니다 UN/LEARNING AUSTRALIA, a large-scale project of Australian and Korean artists curated by Artspace Sydney and the Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA), opening at SeMA 14/12/21. "UN/LEARNING AUSTRALIA commemorates the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Australia and South Korea, amplifying artistic practice representing contemporary issues vital to Australia and invites audiences to examine privilege, dominance and power from several perspectives. The project unpacks the complexities of national histories and the present moment through self-presentation and multiple forms of knowledge and resistance that challenge the standard representations of Australia." Gothe-Snape is presenting a revised version of her performance work, Lion's Honey, while Moore is exhibiting the fourteen original Queensland designs from his larger 2017 United Neytions flag installation. Seoul Museum of Art, Korea. Exhibition dates 14/12/21 - 06/03/22.
  • » 15/03/2021:  After its recent exhibition at UNSW Galleries as part of The Colour Line: Archie Moore & W.E.B. Du Bois curated by José Da Silva, Archie Moore’s monumental Family Tree was installed this week at The Commercial so that we could photograph it on the walls and under the natural light at Jabez Street between exhibitions. Family Tree will be open for viewing for one day only, this Saturday 20/03/21, 11 - 4.
  • » 11/01/2021:  Archie Moore is presenting three major new and recent works in The Colour Line: Archie Moore and W.E.B. Du Bois at UNSW Galleries. The exhibition, curated by José Da Silva, brings Moore's works into dialogue with infographics by African American scholar and activist W.E.B. Du Bois (1868–1963). Moore reflects on ideas of empirical evidence from the perspective of Indigenous Australia. Moore's new commission, Graph of Perennial Disadvantage 2020, begins by revisiting The Australian Constitution of 1901 that stated that Aboriginal people were to be no part of statistical information. Alongside this new work, Moore will recreate and update his Family Tree 2018 wall drawing, a sprawling chalkboard style genealogy that complicates historical diagrams drawn up by anthropologists. For the American section of the Paris Exposition Universelle in 1900, Du Bois led the creation of over 60 hand-drawn charts, maps and infographics, visualising data on the economic and social progress of African Americans since Emancipation. These extraordinary examples of 19th-century data visualisation are at once a social study of populations in Georgia and throughout the United States and a pioneering model of reimagining data as a form of resistance and protest. Presented in association with Sydney Festival and with the support of the UNSW Galleries Commissioners Circle. exhibition dates 16/02/21 - 06/03/21.
  • » 30/10/2020:  Archie Moore is exhibiting a new site-specific window-based work, Unholy Trinity (Colonialism, Christianity and Capitalism), at Murray Art Museum Albury as part of the exhibition 20:20. 20:20 brings together twenty contemporary Australian aritsts, commissioned by MAMA at the beginning of the pandemic to create work for this major Summer exhibition, curated by Michael Moran. Archie Moore: “I see Colonialism, Christianity and Capitalism as arms of the same beast that changed the lives of Aboriginal peoples forever. This beast also brought with it: contagions, confinement, ”civilisation", the Crown, chauvinism and conflict.” See MAMA website for extended artist statement. Exhibition until 31/01/2.  
  • » 09/07/2020:  Archie Moore has been "self-isolating for months, working on an immersive, interactive, multi-media installation about the home and memory". Archie Moore - HouseShow is "the third iteration of a recurring series that uses domestic interiors and objects (banal keepsakes, diaries, drawings, newspaper clippings, toys, old TV programs ...) to explore the artist's personal and transgenerational memory. It follows on from Dwelling at Accidentally Annie Street, Brisbane (2010) and Archie Moore 1970-2018 at Griffith University Art Museum, Brisbane (2018)." Archie Moore - HouseShow will be open for three weeks from 11/07/20 - 01/08/20 at The Cottage, a temporary location at 272 Montague Road, West End, Brisbane. Wednesday - Saturday, 10 - 3 or by appointment. Full documentation of Archie Moore - HouseShow is on The Commercial website at this link. Please note that entry to Archie Moore - HouseShow is via the back door and is at the viewer's own risk.
  • » 11/12/2019:  Agatha Gothe-Snape and Archie Moore are exhibiting in AUSTRALIA. ANTIPODEAN STORIES curated by Eugenio Viola at PAC Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, Milan. The exhibition includes work by 32 artists and is the largest representation of contemporary Australian art presented to date in Italy. exhibition 16.12.19 - 09.02.20
  • » 09/11/2019:  Archie Moore is presenting works in Portico, the inaugural exhibition of a new gallery in Melbourne, Conners Conners. Opening Thursday 21/11/19, 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Exhibition 21/11/19 – 21/12/19.  
  • » 01/11/2019:  Archie Moore's band, ∑gg√e|n, is performing at Murray Art Museum Albury on Friday 08/11/19 as part of the closing events for the exhibition, Certain Realities, curated by Michael Moran. 7-9pm
  • » 25/09/2019:  Archie Moore is giving an artist talk at Redcliffe Art Gallery, Redcliff, as part of the exhibition 15 Artists. Join the artist and discover more about his work and practice. Saturday 11am-12pm 12/10/19.  
  • » 02/09/2019:  The Commercial looks forward to exhibiting at Sydney Contemporary at Carriageworks 11-15 September. We are presenting a three-artist exhibition with new works by Archie Moore, Stephen Ralph and Amanda Williams in booth F06. The gallery will be open during regular hours (Wednesday-Friday 12-5, Saturday 11-5) throughout the fair. We look forward to welcoming interstate visitors who have not yet seen the new space in Marrickville. A solo exhbition, RADIO is RADIO, by Diena Georgetti will be on view. Please contact the gallery for a preview of works to be exhibited at Sydney Contemporary.
  • » 29/08/2019:  Archie Moore is exhibiting in 15 Artists at Redcliffe Art Gallery, an annual acquisitive art prize that celebrates the best of contemporary art practice by Australian artists. Archie Moore is giving an artist talk at 11am-12pm on Saturday 12 October. Opening: Saturday 07/09/19, 5:30pm. Exhibition continues until 16/11/19.
  • » 24/08/2019:  Anna Kristensen and Archie Moore are presenting works in Certain realities, a group show at Murray Art Museum Albury. The exhibition of sculpture, painting, installation, and performances recognises artists as agents of social investigation and cultural articulation. On Saturday 31 August Archie Moore is giving an artist talk in conversation with artists Spence Messih, Brian Fuata, and Lizzie Thomson. The closing event features a live performance of Archie Moore fronted art rock band, ∑gg√e|n. Opening: Friday 30/08/19, 5:30-7:30pm. Closing: Friday 8/11/19, 5:30-6:30pm. Exhibition dates: 30/08/19 - 10/11/19.  
  • » 05/08/2019:  On 29/06/19, Archie Moore presented an artist floortalk at the Australian Centre of Contemporary Art, Melbourne, as part public programs for the exhibition On Vulnerability and Doubt, curated by Max Delany. The podcast of that talk is now on ACCA's Soundcloud page (26:40 - 34:04).
  • » 26/07/2019:  Works by Archie Moore from the National Gallery of Australia permanent collection are on exhibition at Mildura Arts Centre as part of the regional tour of Defying Empire: 3rd National Indigenous Art Triennial. Mildura dates: 26/07/19 - 13/10/19.
  • » 15/07/2019:  The Commercial looks forward to exhibiting at Sydney Contemporary at Carriageworks 11/09/19 - 15/09/19. We are presenting a three-artist show with works by Archie Moore, Stephen Ralph and Amanda Williams. Stand F06. Contact the gallery to receive a preview of works.
  • » 18/06/2019:  Archie Moore is giving an artist talk at ACCA, Melbourne, as part of On Vulnerability and Doubt, curated by Max Delany. Saturday 29/06/19, 3pm.
  • » 06/06/2019:  Archie Moore is exhibiting in On Vulnerability and Doubt, curated by Max Delany at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne. The exhibition brings together artists who engage with questions of intimacy, vulnerability, doubt, desire, modesty, awkwardness and love through various mediums including painting, printmaking, sculpture and video. Artists: Andrea Büttner, Cherine Fahd, Brent Harris, Tala Madani, Linda Marrinon, Archie Moore, Charlie Sofo and Ambera Wellmann. exhibition 29/06/19 - 01/09/19.
  • » 22/01/2019:  It is with pleasure that The Commercial presents for sale Shirtfront, a series of nine small-edition t-shirt designs by Archie Moore. The t-shirts are each editions of 20 and are available in a limited selection of S, M, L, XL and XXL sizes. Purchase t-shirts here via enquiry form under each image on website.
  • » 08/01/2019:  Archie Moore is exhibiting new work in the group exhibition, Just Not Australian, at Artspace Sydney, 18/01/19 - 28/04/19. The exhibition brings together 19 Australian artists across generations and mediums to deal broadly with the origins and implications of contemporary Australian nationhood. This timely thematic show will showcase the sensibilities of larrikinism, satire and resistance to interrogate presenting and representing Australian national identity. Artists include: Abdul Abdullah, Hoda Afshar, Tony Albert, Cigdem Aydemir, Liam Benson, Eric Bridgeman, Jon Campbell, Karla Dickens, Fiona Foley, Gordon Hookey, Richard Lewer, Archie Moore, Vincent Namitjira, Nell, Raquel Ormella, Ryan Presley, Joan Ross, Soda_Jerk, Tony Schwensen. Exhibition opening Friday 18/01/19, 6-8pm.
  • » 23/12/2018:  The Commercial is closed from 23/12/18, reopening late January 2019 with a solo exhibition by Archie Moore. Visits to the gallery during the summer closure is by appointment only. Email sales enquiries will be responded to throughout this period.
  • » 10/08/2018:  Yesterday, Archie Moore's major public artwork, United Neytions, was launched at the T1 Terminal of Sydney International Airport. The permanent installation marks the first partnership between Sydney Airport and the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia. Geoff Culbert, CEO Sydney Airport, Elizabeth Ann Macgregor OBE, Director MCA and Larissa Behrendt, Distinguished Professor at UTS, award winning author and filmmaker, spoke on a panel to media at the site of the artwork located airside (Departures) in the recently refurbished terminal. Eight dancers from Dance Bunaan Corroboree performed under the twenty-eight 4.5 metre long flags. A notable Welcome to Country was given to mark the launch by two elders of adjoining lands, Bidjigal elder, Vic Simms, and Gadigal Elder, Allen Madden. Larissa Behrendt has written a 1,000 word essay for a publication to accompany the commission. 43 million passengers pass through Sydney Airport each year, making United Neytions, as remarked Geoff Culbert, possibly one of the most seen artworks in Australia. Barbara Flynn was art consultant on the project and Djon Mundine OAM acted as cultural adviser.
  • » 07/08/2018:  Congratulations to Archie Moore who today was awarded the 2018 Creative Industries Faculty Outstanding Alumni Award by Queensland University of Technology. Moore received a Bachelor of Arts (Visual Arts) from QUT in 1998 and is today acclaimed as one of Australia's most significant contemporary artists.
  • » 04/08/2018:  Archie Moore has work included in the exhibition EX-EMBASSY on the site of the former Australian embassy to the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in Berlin. Five artworks and five commissioned texts are presented in and around the 70's era modernist structure, as part of Berlin's Project Space Festival 2018. Exhibition dates: 04/08/18 - 31/08/18
  • » 03/07/2018:  Archie Moore's work is included in the exhibition 'Continental Drift: Black/Blak Art from South Africa and North Australia' at the Cairns Art Gallery. The exhibition opening takes place on 11/07/18 at 6pm and is presented in partnership with the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair. Exhibition talks are programmed for 12/07/18, including a guided exhibition tour at 10:30am along with artist and curator talks 11am - 1pm. Full details via the Cairns Art Gallery website. Exhibition dates: 06/07/18 - 23/09/18
  • » 24/06/2018:  Archie Moore's essay 'Daze of our lives' features in the current issue of Artlink magazine. "Forty‑something years later you are still interested in the self inside time and space, and a history of place. In particular your self, an Aboriginal self, but not in an ancient spiritual sense, more like your self based upon how you think others perceive you. So most of the time with your art you are attempting to place the viewer in your shoes, to experience your experiences, to remember your memories. More precisely, to explore that impossibility of knowing that one has a shared experience with you. And this condition, being a metaphor for the failure of reconciliation, supports your view that maybe black and white Australians will never know or understand one another." [excerpt, full article via]  
  • » 07/06/2018:  Archie Moore's work is included in Architecture AU magazine's review of group exhibition 'Unsettlement', currently at the Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA). Coverage by Patrick Hunn. Exhibition until 07/07/18.
  • » 31/05/2018:  The catalogue of Archie Moore's solo exhibition at Griffith University Art Museum earlier this year 'Archie Moore: 1970 - 2018' is now available. It includes an introduction by Moore; essays by Toni Ross and GUAM curator Angela Goddard; an interview with Journalist Steve Dow; along with artwork and installation images. Copies of the catalogue are available from the gallery on request. 
  • » 02/05/2018:  Work by Archie Moore is currently included in 'Unsettlement', an International group exhibition at the Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA), curated by Charlotte Day, Shelley McSpedden and Elise Routledge. 'The exhibition explores the ways that power manifests through architecture and in the built environment. The artworks presented register the material force and histories of architecure, and encourage a productive sense of upheaval and re-appraisal.' Exhibition until 07/07/18
  • » 20/04/2018:  Artlink review of 'Archie Moore: 1970 - 2018', at Griffith University Art Museum, by Djon Mundine. "If one enters Archie’s labyrinth through the first left door, you come into the Camera Verbum (Word Room); another child-like space of quiet observation. Like a child in bed listening to sounds and conversations in the dark. In the space, words in large white letters are projected on the black walls—words, insults and more heard from outside people passing by on the left, and those remarks heard spoken by his family inside the house, dad jokes and witticisms, nick-names and banter. Interestingly, the more complex and sophisticated words are produced within, rather than the common insults of the town people." [excerpt, full article on] Exhibition contines until 21/04/18
  • » 14/04/2018:  Archie Moore Profile on coinciding with Moore's solo exhibition at Griffith University Art Museum. Profile by Wes Hill: "The Australian artist Archie Moore is the lead singer in a metal band called Eggvein – or ∑gg√e|n. His stage name is Magnus O’Pus and, like all good front-men, he performs without a shirt, wearing tight black jeans and a goth-version of a Marie Antoinette bouffant wig that, á la Cousin Itt, covers his entire face. Difficult to categorize, the band is partly a joke and partly a therapeutic outlet for the working-class masculine angst of its members, who include artist David M. Thomas – a key figure from the artist-run-gallery scenes of Sydney and Brisbane – on an extremely loud guitar. When performing, Moore, who turns 48 this year, appears charismatic, shy, depressed, angry and, given the band’s raucous sound, oddly obsessed with his lyrics. These conflicting energies spill over into his art practice, which centres on memory and the symbolic slippages he sees as integral to his Aboriginal identity, always shapeshifting across media in unexpected ways, from taxidermied dogs (Black Dog, 2013) to the manufacturing of his own cologne (Les Eaux d’Amoore, 2014)." [excerpt, full article on]  
  • » 13/04/2018:  Archie Moore in conversation with Djon Mundine: view the artist talk given at Griffith University Art Museum. Moore talks through the work included in 'Archie Moore: 1970 - 2018' and his career more broadly. The exhibition continues until 21/04/18.
  • » 07/04/2018:  ABC Radio National program AWAYE! interview with Archie Moore. Listen to Moore talk through his current solo exhibition at Griffith University Art Museum. Interview by Daniel Browning.
  • » 06/04/2018:  Coverage of Archie Moore's current solo exhibition 'Archie Moore: 1970 - 2018' at Griffith University Art Museum, in Artforum, by Emily Wakeling.
  • » 24/03/2018:  Join Archie Moore in conversation with Djon Mundine this weekend as he talks through his solo exhibition at the Griffith University Art Museum. The exhibition Archie Moore 1970 - 2018 takes the form of a multi-sensory installation, across multiple rooms, examining childhood and transgenerational memory. The artist talk will take place at 2pm on 24/03/18. Exhibition until 21/04/18.
  • » 03/03/2018:  Archie Moore's solo exhibition at the Griffith University Art Museum is just one week away. Titled 'Archie Moore 1970 - 2018' the exhibition will take the form of a multi-sensory installation, across multiple rooms, examining childhood and transgenerational memory. The Opening will take place next week at 3pm, on 10/03/18, with an Artist Talk at 2pm on 24/03/18. The exhibtition will run 08/03/18 - 21/04/18.
  • » 09/02/2018:  Last weekend to view Archie Moore’s work in Boundless Volumes, a group show at Parliament House, Canberra. ‘The Parliament House Art Collection engaged nine artists to create artworks that reinterpret, reuse and recycle the leather-bound volumes of parliamentary proceedings, spanning almost 120 years of Australian political history. Artists have created artworks that engage with the materiality of the books as well as the social, cultural and political issues within their pages’. Co-curated by Justine van Mourik and Aimee Frodsham. Artists include Michael Eather, Simryn Gill, Katherine Hattam, Pam Langdon, Archie Moore, Elvis Richardson, Kylie Stillman, Imants Tillers and Hossein Valamanesh. The exhibition continues until 11/02/18
  • » 21/12/2017:  Archie Moore Artwork to be Installed at Sydney Airport - Does this signal that a greater investment in public art is on the horizon?” – coverage by Broadsheet.  
  • » 20/12/2017:  Coverage of Archie Moore public art commission for Sydney Airport on ABC News, by Dee Jefferson.
  • » 19/12/2017:  Exciting day at Sydney International Airport with the media announcement of a new permanent public artwork commission by Archie Moore for the T1 International Terminal. The commission is a new partnership between Sydney Airport and the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia. It will be a reconfiguration on a significantly larger scale of Archie Moore's United Neytions flag series exhibited earlier this year as part of 'The National: New Australian Art' at Carriageworks, Sydney. The work is due to be installed in June 2018.
  • » 30/11/2017:  Opening this week at Australian Parliament House in Canberra, Archie Moore is presenting a new work made from decommissioned volumes of Hansard for the group exhibition Boundless Volumes. Artists in Boundless Volumes: Michael Eather, Simryn Gill, Katherine Hattam, Pam Langdon, Archie Moore, Elvis Richardson, Kylie Stillman, Imants Tillers and Hossein Valamanesh (30/11/17-11/02/18).
  • » 14/11/2017:  Archie Moore has a new self-portrait paint skin work in a group show, Flat Earth Society, at POP Gallery, Queensland College of Art, Brisbane. Exhibition artists: Paul Bai, Julie Fragar, Matthys Gerber, Fiona Lowry, Archie Moore, David Thomas, James Thomson and Jenny Watson, 15/11/17-25/11/17.
  • » 13/10/2017:  Archie Moore has a solo exhibition, Whipsaw, at the artist-run-initiative Fontanelle Gallery in Adelaide as part of the city-wide Tarnanthi Festival of Contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art. "The show invites the viewer to encounter an unknowing, indiscriminate and overwhelming psychological space that erupts between incommensurable histories, perspective, and experience. Whipsaw’s gaseous architecture envelopes and questions our immediate realities, generating a meditative space on time, memory and inequality, referencing racialized space bordering trans-generational trauma; two difficult situations or opposing pressures at the same time." exhibition dates: 15/10/17 - 12/11/17.
  • » 22/03/2017:  Archie Moore is presenting a talk at Carriageworks, Sydney, about United Neytions, his major new flag installation commissioned for The National: New Australian Art. Saturday, 01/04/17, 10am, free, no booking required.
  • » 24/02/2017:  The National Gallery of Australia today announced that Archie Moore is one of thirty artists selected for Defying Empire: 3rd National Indigenous Art Triennial. Curated by Tina Baum, the exhibition brings together established, mid-career and emerging Indigenous artists from across the nation, whose works mark the ongoing resistance, resilience and defiance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people against colonisation from first contact to recognition through the 1967 Referendum (granting Indigenous peoples the right to be counted as Australian for the first time) and up until today. Moore will be exhibiting a range of artworks acquired by the NGA since 2012. Exhibition dates: 26/05/17 - 10/09/17.
  • » 06/12/2016:  Emily Hunt, Clare Milledge, Archie Moore and Robert Pulie have work in the group show, Mnemonic Mirror, curated by Gary Carsley and Kylie Banyard, at Griffith University Art Museum. Exhibition dates 08/12/16 - 11/03/17.
  • » 01/12/2016:  Archie Moore has been invited to produce a significant new work for The National: New Australian Art. The National is a major exhibition partnership between three of Sydney’s premier cultural institutions, the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Carriageworks and the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia. The National is a six-year biennial initiative presenting the latest ideas and forms in contemporary Australian art over three editions in 2017, 2019 and 2021. The inaugural exhibition dates of The National are 30/03/17 - 25/06/17.
  • » 29/11/2016:  Tess Maunder was the recipient of the inaugural 2016 MPavilion and Art Monthly Australasia Writing Award. "'Dwelling' as a political form", her commissioned essay on architecture and memory in the work of Archie Moore, is out now in the December issue of Art Monthly.
  • » 20/10/2016:  Coverage of Archie Moore's work, Crop (Noun/Verb), for Contour 556 in The Canberra Times. Moore's work, a planting of a Daisy Yams food crop and encyclopedias, is located on the shore of Lake Burley Griffin, just to the North of the National Gallery of Australia Sculpture Garden.
  • » 17/10/2016:  Archie Moore is exhibiting an outdoor work, CROP (Noun/Verb), in Contour 556, a new public art festival on the foreshore of Lake Burley Griffin in Canberra. He is planting a bed of Yam Daisies (Microseris lanceolata), a local indigenous food plant that "represents a point where Western science and Indigenous knowledge came into contact. Without any visible forms of what was known then as agriculture, (to the Europeans) the Yam Daisy was just a field of flowers and not a crop. Aboriginal people had education, science, astronomy, trade routes, a legal system, villages etc. but this wasn’t visible due to the sense of racial superiority the occupiers brought with them." Contour 556 features fifty local, national and international artists responding to the layers of Canberra’s history. Exhibition dates 21/10/16 - 13/11/16. Maps and further information on the Contour 556 website.
  • » 26/07/2016:  Big congratulations to Tess Maunder who has been awarded the MPavilion/Art Monthly Writing Award. The prize has been awarded from a field of applications on the basis of a 200-word proposal for a 2,000-word essay exploring one or more aspects of the field of interdisciplinary practice within art and design today. The subject of Maunder's essay will be Archie Moore's work from the 20th Biennale of Sydney, 'A Home Away From Home (Bennelong/Vera's Hut).' She will present her piece in person during MPavilion's 2016/17 program.
  • » 13/07/2016:  Archie Moore's video, Blood Fraction, acquired last year by the University of Queensland, will be included in group exhibition, beyond the Tower - UQ Art Museum - 40 years and counting, to mark the 40 year anniversary of the museum. exhibition dates: 15/07/16 - 13/11/16.
  • » 10/05/2016:  Archie Moore's 'A Home Away from Home (Bennelong/Vera's Hut)' is singled out as a highlight in Jennifer Higgie's review in Frieze of the 20th Biennale of Sydney curated by Stephanie Rosenthal.
  • » 06/05/2016:  Emily Hunt, Clare Milledge, Archie Moore and Robert Pulie have works in the group exhibition, Mnemonic Mirror, curated by Gary Carsley and Kylie Banyard, at UTS Gallery. The exhibition continues until 01/07/16 before travelling to Griffith University Art Gallery, Brisbane, later in the year.
  • » 17/04/2016:  It is a pleasure to announce that Archie Moore's 100 selfportrait photographic installation and related video, Blood Fraction, has been acquired by the National Gallery of Australia.
  • » 08/04/2016:  Archie Moore's 'A Home Away From Home (Bennelong/Vera's Hut)' is given extensive coverage in Nathalie Thomas' review of the 20th Biennale of Sydney on Melbourne-based blog, Natty Solo.
  • » 06/04/2016:  Archie Moore's work, 'A Home Away From Home (Bennelong/Vera's Hut)', is singled out as "One of the most affecting commissions" in Jon Bywater's review of the 20th Biennale of Sydney on New York-based Art-Agenda.
  • » 18/03/2016:  Archie Moore is presenting an Art Forum talk at the Cell Block Theatre at the National Art School in Darlinghurst 1-2pm, Wednesday 23/03/16. The talk coincides with Moore's major new work, 'A Home Away From Home (Bennelong/Vera's Hut)' in the Royal Botanic Gardens for the 20th Biennale of Sydney. FREE. All Welcome.
  • » 14/03/2016:  A Welcome to Country for Archie Moore’s 'A Home Away From Home (Bennelong/Vera’s Hut)', a major new work for the 20th Biennale of Sydney, will take place on Wednesday, 16 March at 10:00am, Bennelong Lawn, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney. This occasion is an opportunity to acknowledge the traditional owners of the site known as Tubowgulle, on Gadigal land. Gadigal Elder, Uncle Charles (Chicka) Madden will present the Welcome with a smoking ceremony by Mathew Doyle. All welcome.
  • » 02/03/2016:  In the lead up to his work for the 20th Biennale of Sydney, a major outdoor project in Sydney's Royal Botanic Gardens, Archie Moore speaks with Tess Maunder. Full interview on Ocula.
  • » 28/10/2015:  Agatha Gothe-Snape and Archie Moore have been selected for the 20th Biennale of Sydney: The future is already here — it’s just not evenly distributed, to be presented 18/03/16 – 05/05/16. Artistic Director, Stephanie Rosenthal, has conceived of the Biennale at seven main venues conceived as ‘embassies of thought’. Both Gothe-Snape and Moore are developing new projects for ‘in-between spaces’ in Rosenthal’s curatorial scheme that are framed “in terms of our interaction with the digital world, displacement from and occupation of spaces and land, and the interconnections and overlaps between politics and financial power structures.”
  • » 02/10/2015:  It is a pleasure to announce that Archie Moore's video work Blood Fraction has been acquired by the University of Queensland Art Museum, Brisbane.
  • » 27/09/2015:  Archie Moore has a solo exhibition at the Anne & Gordon Samstag Museum of Art at the University of South Australia as part of Tarnanthi the inaugural Festival of Contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art. Moore will be presenting his installation of aromatic portraits based on memory, Les Eaux d'Amoore. A catalogue will accompany the exhibition with a text by Djon Mundine OAM. Exhibition dates 09/10/15 - 04/12/15.
  • » 21/09/2015:  Review of Archie Moore's exhibition, Blood Fraction, at The Commercial by Sharne Wolff on The Art Life.
  • » 07/09/2015:  Djon Mundine OAM, member of the Bandjalung people of northern New South Wales, curator, writer, artist and activist, will open Archie Moore's solo exhibition, Blood Fraction, at The Commercial on Saturday 12/09/15 (during Sydney Contemporary) at 6:45pm.
  • » 28/08/2015:  Please note changes of date for Archie Moore's exhibition, Blood Fraction. The exhibition will be viewable from Wednesday 09/09/15 during normal gallery hours during the week of Sydney Contemporary at Carriageworks. Opening drinks will be held Saturday, 12/09/15, 6-8pm.
  • » 02/07/2015:  Archie Moore is shortlisted for the Western Australian Indigenous Art Awards 2015 at the Art Gallery of Western Australia. His sewn linen flag series, 14 Queensland Nations (Nations Imagined by RH Mathews), is included in the exhibition. The prestigious $ 50,000.00 award is announced tomorrow night, 03/07/15, in Perth. The exhibition continues until 12/10/15.
  • » 16/06/2015:  Archie Moore is exhibiting in a two-person exhibition with Matt Calder, Re-locating the Land, at System Gallery in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. The exhibition poses the question, "How can we know what it means to experience land in totally different parts of the world? How does the land, its raw matter and our use of it shape us and our views of ourselves?" The works by both artists replicate the raw features of their childhood environments and experiences of clay. The exhibition continues until 26/06/15 and is part of ‘A Cross-cultural Working Group on “Good Culture” and Precariousness’, the exhibition seeks to make sense of and identify paths to discussion through the radical cultural difference at play in interactions between people from Aboriginal Australian communities around Brisbane and people from Ashington, Northumberland as they develop guidelines for collective responses to insecure neoliberal circumstances."
  • » 09/06/2015:  It is a pleasure to announce that Archie Moore's works Aboriginal Pagan, Aboriginal Anarchist and Aboriginal Percent have been acquired by Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA), Melbourne.
  • » 21/05/2015:  A review by Stella Rosa McDonald of Buruwi Burra (Three Skies) on The Art Life.
  • » 25/03/2015:  Archie Moore has a new video work, Blood Fraction, in the 2015 Redlands Konica Minolta Art Prize that opens tonight at the National Art School Gallery in Sydney. Moore is one of twenty-one artists invited by guest curator, Tim Johnson, to make work for the prize who have in turn each invited an emerging artist to participate. Moore has invited Brisbane artist, Dale Harding. The exhibition continues until 23/05/15 at the NAS Gallery.
  • » 05/02/2015:  Archie Moore is presenting an artist talk on his 14 Queensland Nations (Nations Imagined by RH Mathews) flag series at Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute on Saturday 07/02/15, 11am.
  • » 01/02/2015:  Archie Moore is presenting a solo exhibition of his most recent flag series, 14 Queensland Nations (Nations Imagined by RH Mathews), at Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute, Adelaide. The series of fourteen sewn linen flags was commissioned by the University of Queensland where they were first exhibited in September 2014 followed by a second exhibition at Canberra Contemporary Art Space in October-November 2014. The exhibition at Tandanya is Moore's first solo exhibition in South Australia. exhibition 06/02/15 - 28/03/15.
  • » 19/01/2015:  Archie Moore is a finalist in the $ 50,000.00 2015 Western Australian Indigenous Art Award. The prestigious, non-acquisitive award was founded in 2008 and is hosted by the Art Gallery of Western Australia. The fourteen finalists are: Megan Cope, Karla Dickens, Sandra Hill, Simon Hogan, Betty Kuntiwa Pumani, Nongirrnga Marawili, Archie Moore, Vincent Namatjira, Steaphan Paton, Eunice Porter, John Prince Siddon, Tjala Collaborative, Carlene West, Billy Yunkura Atkins. The winner will be announced at the opening of the exhibition at the AGWA on Friday 03/07/15. The selection panel consists of Amy Barrett-Lennard, Director of the Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts (PICA), Kimberley Moulton, writer, curator and Project Officer for the Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre at the Melbourne Museum and Clotilde Bullen, Curator of Indigenous Art at the AGWA.
  • » 29/10/2014:  Coverage by Ian Warden of Archie Moore's Canberra Contemporary Art Space exhibition in today's Canberra Times. For the record, the constellation in 'Kamilaroi Nation' is the Pleiades (Seven Sisters), not the Southern Cross.
  • » 20/10/2014:  Archie Moore's 2012 work, Clover, is included in the group exhibition, 'The Subtropic Complex', at Art on James Street for Resort in collaboration with the Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, curated by Tess Maunder. "The word subtropic has long been used as a marketing strategy and cultural signifier to promote Brisbane. The climate is used to distinguish the city from other capitals and its narrative seduces international visitors to travel and do business. Climate is a curious term, with two key meanings: the prevailing weather conditions of a region on the one hand, and as a way to describe the dominant attitudes of a place on the other. It is primarily this cultural sense of climate that can be felt in the exhibition Subtropic Complex, though there is heat." opening Thursday, 23/10/14. exhibition: 23/10/14 - 23/11/14.
  • » 16/10/2014:  Archie Moore has a solo exhibition opening at the Northern Centre for Contemporary Art in Darwin. 'False Friends' foregrounds Moore’s new media practice, and involves the re-staging of earlier works alongside new works that have been specially made for the NCCA. Curated by Wes Hill, the exhibition will bring to light Moore’s interest in vacillating identities, with the artist directing his practice towards specific sociopolitical issues while shirking clear-cut resolutions. Exhibition: 17/10/14 - 08/11/14.
  • » 04/10/2014:  Archie Moore's new linen flag series, 14 Nations, recently exhibited at the University of Queensland as part of Courting Blakness: Recalibrating knowledge in the Sandstone University, is traveling to the Nation's capital. They are being exhibited at Canberra Contemporary Art Space in Archie Moore: 14 Queensland Nations (Nations imagined by RH Mathews). Opening Friday 10/10/14, 6-8pm. exhibition dates: 10/10/14 - 15/11/14.
  • » 02/10/2014:  It is a pleasure to announce that Archie Moore's work Aboriginal Rainbow has been acquired by Griffith University Art Collection, Brisbane.
  • » 05/09/2014:  Archie Moore has a major new body of work on exhibition at the University of Queensland. 14 Nations is a series of fourteen new flag works by Moore created for the exhibition Courting Blakness in The Great Court of the UQ St. Lucia campus. The exhibition, curated by Fiona Foley, was accompanied by a two-day symposium, Courting Blakness: Recalibrating Knowledge in the Sandstone University, at which Moore also presented a paper. 14 Nations speaks to the "public's awareness of the many nations that existed here before European arrival and this idea of nationhood." The fourteen 'nations' of Moore's flags came from the early 20th Century anthropologist, R.H. Matthews, who posited fourteen Aboriginal nations in the Queensland area. At once acknowledging Matthews' insights into the multiplicity of Aboriginal cultures but mindful of their inauthenticity, Moore created ficticious flags for each of the purported nations. The original idea for the presentation of the work, initially approved by the university, ultimately met with resistance and permission was revoked. In the end, only ten of the fourteen flags have been included in the exhibition. The four large flags intended for the flag poles on the Forgen Smith Tower allegedly contravened flag protocols and were not allowed to be installed there. A silent protest in acknowledgement of this censorship was staged at the opening of the Courting Blakness symposium. Courting Blakness, curated by Fiona Foley, includes work by Michael Cook, Megan Cope, Karla Dickens, Nathalie Harkin, Archie Moore, Ryan Presley, r e a and Christian Thompson. The Great Court, University of Queensland, St. Lucia Campus, Brisbane. Exhibition dates: 05/09/14 - 29/09/14. A publication is being produced that documents the exhibition and symposium, due to be released in 2015. The Courting Blakness exhibition is to be opened by the Hon. Linda Burney MP on Friday 05/09/14, 6-8pm.
  • » 05/08/2014:  Archie Moore is exhibiting in the group exhibition, South, curated by David Corbet at Hazlehurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre. "SOUTH brings together the work of thirteen leading contemporary artists from three regions: Australia, Mexico and South Africa. While their practices and cultural backgrounds are diverse, they are united in the shared response to their identity as artists living and working in the relatively remote southern part of the world. The work presented is personal, political and socially engaged and reflects the changes in our globalised society." Artists include: Eric Bridgeman, Maria Fernanda Cardoso, Destiny Deacon and Virginia Fraser, Hasan and Husain Essop, Michael Goldberg, Newell Harry, Archie Moore, Zanele Muholi, Diego Ramirez, Betsabeé Romero and Joan Ross. And, thank you to the writers: Pamella Dlungwana, Cuauhtémoc Medina and Kevin Murray. Opening Thursday 7 August, 6-8pm. Exhibition dates: 8 August - 6 October, 2014.
  • » 12/07/2014:  Archie Moore's exhibition of aromatic portraits, Les Eaux d'Amoore, has been extended for a week, now finishing Saturday 19/07/14. Hossein Ghaemi's exhibition now opens Friday 25/07/14.
  • » 20/06/2014:  The Commercial is excited in anticipation of its first presentation at Melbourne Art Fair in the Royal Exhibition Building from 13/08/14 - 17/08/14. Presented by the Melbourne Art Foundation, a not for profit organisation, Melbourne Art Fair is one of Australasia’s longest running contemporary art events. For 25 years the Fair has stimulated critical and commercial attention for galleries and their artists directly contributing to the livelihood of living artists. The Commercial will present a group exhibition in the MAF Galleries sector. Collector's passes and tickets to the opening night Vernissage on Wednesday 13 August, 6-10pm are available on the Melbourne Art Fair website.
  • » 16/06/2014:  An extended profile on Archie Moore, including coverage of his current exhibition, Les Eaux d'Amoore at the Commercial, has been written by Simon Marsh for Panoptic Press.
  • » 01/04/2014:  Archie Moore's major work, Black Dog, shortlisted for the University of Queensland Art Museum's National Artists' Self Portrait Prize has been acquired by the National Gallery of Australia. Black Dog joins Aboriginal Anarchy, Aboriginal Left and Aboriginal Right from Moore's solo exhibition, Flag, at The Commercial in 2012 in the NGA collection. ""Black Dog" resurrects a portrait of me as a racist joke- something I discovered long after it had started. (I guess you have to be in the in-crowd to hear the in-joke.) A personal event but also one universal to marginalised people."
  • » 17/02/2014:  The March issue of Vogue Australia is devoted to "great Australian artists, the meaning of art in our lives, and, of course, its intrinsic link with fashion.” A number of artists from The Commercial feature by name and in image. In the 'Critic's Choice' article (pp. 161-166) Agatha Gothe-Snape, Gail Hastings, Archie Moore and Lillian O'Neil are nominated in profiles of respected art consultants, Mark Hughes and Amanda Love and collectors James Roland and Becky Sparks. On newstands now.
  • » 15/01/2014:  It is a pleasure to announce that Archie Moore's work Black Dog has been acquired by the National Gallery Australia, Canberra.
  • » 15/10/2013:  Archie Moore has been selected for the National Artists' Self-Portrait Prize at the University of Queensland Art Museum, a biennial award that highlights the enduring importance of self portraiture as an artistic subject. UQ Art Museum is developing the National Collection of Artists' Self-Portraits and this acquisitive prize serves to highlight the strength of contemporary Australian self portraiture. The Prize and Collection understand the self portrait in an inclusive way that invites a broad term of reference in both media and meaning. Moore's sculpture, Black Dog, is a taxidermy dog that has been coloured black with shoe polish, wearing a collar and a name tag that says 'Archie'.
  • » 09/08/2013:  Archie Moore's work, Snowdome, has been shortlisted in the New Media section of the 30th Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award Exhibition at the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory. The sculpture includes an LCD display with a series of slides of nuclear weapons tests at Maralinga, Emu Fields and the Montebello Islands between 1952 and 1957. Exhibition dates 09/08/13 - 10/11/13.
  • » 01/06/2013:  Works by Archie Moore and Michael Riley are included in the exhibition My Country, I Still Call Australia Home: Contemporary Art from Black Australia at Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane. The exhibition is QAG|GOMA’s largest exhibition of contemporary art by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists to date. It examines the strengths of the Gallery’s holdings and explores three central themes — presenting Indigenous views of history (My history), responding to contemporary politics and experiences (My life), and illustrating connections to place (My country). Until 7 October, 2013.
  • » 01/05/2013:  A review by Djon Mundine OAM of Archie Moore's solo exhibition, Flag, at The Commercial appears as a feature article in Issue 3 of Vault magazine. It begins, "Flags are a sign of group identity and allegiance at a base level, but they are also visual signals to others of intent, movement, or call to action, or condition (as in infectious disease or hunger or thirst)."
  • » 20/12/2012:  It is a pleasure to announce that Archie Moore's works Aboriginal Anarchy, Aboriginal Left and Aboriginal Right have been acquired by the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra.
  • » 22/11/2012:  It is a pleasure to announce that Archie Moore's works Aboriginal Deadly and Aboriginal Peace have been acquired by UTS Jumbunna, The University of Technology, Sydney.
  • » 21/11/2012:  It is a pleasure to announce that Archie Moore's work Aboriginal Heart has been acquired by The University of Technology, Sydney.
  • » 28/10/2012:  Archie Moore's work, Dermis, exhibited in ONE/THREE, the inaugural exhibition at The Commercial, and acquired by the Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane (Moore is QUT alumnus), is being included in the exhibition Ex Post Triennial, the first of an ongoing series of triennial exhibitions that showcases QUT alumni. The artists in Ex Post are: Lucy Griggs, Simone Hine, Judith Kentish, Archie Moore, Sandra Selig and Shaun O'Connor. Exhibition dates 3 November - 23 December, 2012.
  • » 09/10/2012:  Archie Moore is performing as part of Eggvein (a musical collaboration with David M Thomas and co.) at Peloton, Sydney on Saturday November 3 at 8pm. Eggvein's performance is part of Performance Month, a four-week long event curated by Francesca Heinz which showcases performance and performance based-work from Australian and international artists. Eggvein, featuring David Eggveinian, Rand M Strange, D'White Yokem and Magnus O'Pus.
  • » 14/09/2012:  Archie Moore is presenting a new video work developed from footage from a recent trip to Tokyo in Experimenta - Speak to Me: 5th International Biennale of Media Art, RMIT, Melbourne. Exhibition dates: 14/09/12 - 17/11/12.
  • » 01/08/2012:  Queensland University of Technology has acquired Archie Moore's work Dermis exhibited in ONE/THREE, the inaugural exhibition at The Commercial.